This property I bought had some pallets dumped in the front. I did not know what to do with them at first. I gave most of them away then I decided, I needed to use them to make raised garden beds to ward off this kinda of guy. Nasty little critter we call gopher or ground moles. It actually had the nerve to come out of the hole and stare at me while I snapped the photo.

I spent a few hours viewing u tube pallet projects and came across some ideas, but not totally how I wanted to put a planter together. Here is the first one I made. Notice the pvc loop. I plan to use pvc and attached deer block to keep these ladies out of my garden.
Next, I built this one and decided it may be large enough to use for some dwarf fruit trees.
Each planter I lined the bottom with hardware cloth and then used a landscape cloth to hold my garden soil.
I had been sick for a while dealing with this.
I also made a make shift compost bin from pallets.
!!!!!When I finished I will have saved 15 pallets from the landfills!!!!!